Feb 8, 2007

A funny poster

I found a strange poster at the station.

The illustrarion and the phrase was funny.

『Don't sit on a stand-and-eat soba shop,on the floor of a train.』

Recently,teenagers have bad mannered.

The  sit on the platform and on the floor of the train.

If I could sit on the floor of train, when it's full it would be much easier.

But I never sit down on the floor of a train.

It's impolite.



チエン said...

wow! you should come to my university and see lots of students sitting outside the class and waiting for the class to be emptied.

I mean the floor is definitely not clean. When I first saw them sitting on the uncleaned floor, I didn't feel very comfortable. However, after 5 years, now I kind of do as Romans do.(I sit on the floor outside the class sometimes)

So do you think that the teenages will change their behaviors when they see the post? I hope so, I mean in the public we all should give a little respect to others and to ourselves.

michi said...

Hi チェンsan!

Maybe it's the same Universities in Japan,too.

But a train is narrow,Iwant them to stop that.

I think that the teenagers should not change by the post.

When they become a parent,they may change.

チエン said...

Well, Michi-san, if you wait for them becoming a parent, for teenagers, it may take a while. (smile)

However, it is probably better if the person who serves in the train tells them no to sit on the floor. I don't know, let's see what will happen next. I hope the situation would become better.